STATE RUN MEDIA--The Mental Damage To The American Psyche- The MSM is a Psyops and the Tragic Impact on Americans Mental Health-
The Negative Psychological Impact on Americans Mental Health When They Recognize They Have Been Betrayed By Their Government. PSYOPS of the Century.
I have been a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in two States and treatment provider for 30 + years. I work with all forms Mental Illness, I/O Psychology and have studied Media Psychology, Dark Psychology PsyOps and Propaganda for the length of my 30 year career and as a history student for the 17 years that came before it. I will use “Psyops” “Psychological Operations”and “Psychological Warfare” interchangeably for this article even though they have some differences. People will never understand the amount of brainwashing and mind control they have been victimized by until they have a solid knowledge of how propaganda works. Once they do people will never be the same and never look at MSM or media the same again. Other professionals in the field of psychology, communications, social psychology and psychiatry need to come forward with hard fact and real truth and information against the mental and emotional abuse, deceit and lies propagated against the United States citizen and taxpayer by the MSM, Social Media and all forms of media. Colleagues and professionals from around the globe need to do the same.
In a previous article on Substack “What People Should Understand About How Propaganda Works” I discussed brief history and some basic components of how propaganda, dark psychology and Psychological Operations (PsyOps) and Psychological Warfare (PsyWar) work methodically to deceive people. For the past 40 years the main stream media (MSM) as well as film, music, advertisement and television through a scientifically scheduled and applied system have brainwashed and mind controlled billions of people. In 2007 with the inception of the smartphones, social media and “Immediate Information” has taken propagandas to levels never previously imagined and as a result reduced, impaired and eliminated free thought, critical thinking, individual creativity and objectivity.
In the 16 years since the inception of smartphones and high definition flat screens (which play into the addictive quality of devices along with many other variables) newer compounds of propaganda have been created included multiple false “testimonials” on Twitter, Facebook and other media by people who do not even exist pushing one agenda or another have led to mass disinformation. Some of these “people” are computer generated and CGI based, but then again what can’t Hollywood make us believe.
Another propaganda technique new to the modern age due to our high speed 5G world is “Repetitive Narrative” of misinformation repeated across multiple platforms, from multiple people of all demographics allow a saturation of dishonest narratives. I previously explained truth is truth and is simply what it is. Propaganda is based in “False Ideology” or False Philosophy” which must be persuaded. All propagandas are projective and manipulative. People have now integrated weeks, months, years and decades of propagandas and now literally have foundations of individual schemata and beliefs are distorted and maligned. What happens when these masses discover they have been deliberately deceived and lied to on what they previously believed to be fundamentally true? In the last article I presented the following parable from a “Red Pill” perspective.
“I know everyone believes what they believe is true. That their memory and experience and education is accurate and their expert. I imagine many reading this article believes in some higher power, faith or God. They believe in Freedom, the idea the framers had 200 years ago in the experiment that is America. They believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They believe in equality for all men and woman, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They believe the 2020 election was a fraud on a dozen levels, the “Crime of the Century” and Donald Trump is the rightful elected President. They believe many in our government serve only themselves, that our government has been slowly, methodically infiltrated by communism and globalists and world bankers who are now calling the shots. They understand as fact the Federal Reserve is a private entity and corporate banking group whose product is debt, the Internal Revenue Service is their corrupt “collection agency,” and that 95% of our “politicians” have allowed them to turn Americans into peasants to the WCBS and IRS and have become magnificently rich in doing so. The American taxpaying citizen realizes 95% of our elected leaders have “Sold Us Us” to China and other countries for their out political, financial and power gain. We know who they are. We also know who the “True Patriot” republicans are.
These Americans believe the MSM and world media are “less than truthful” to say the least and have a very specific agenda including pushing racism and creating divisive society as a process to end America and make it a communist society. These Americans believe the “Woke Culture” and its agenda of CRT, BLM, Transgender focus and gender studies promoted in elementary through high school is nothing more than a Trojan horse to deliver and turn America Marxist and Communist by dividing…even splintering our society. This and many other beliefs along these lines.
For those of you who believe these things, what if tomorrow you woke up and there was irrefutable, incontrovertible, undeniable, photo-finish evidence, personal testimony of guilt that everything I just stated you/we/I believed in was “Wrong.” How would you be? Spirituality? Mentally? Psychologically? Emotionally? How would you take it? How “OK” “Happy” “Centered” would you be in the weeks and months that unfolded to come? How would you be with others experiencing the same reckoning? How would you be experiencing the backlash from those who believed the complete opposite of us telling you “We Told You So, conspiracy Nut-Job!”
I expect you would likely feel absolutely “Betrayed and Devastated.” Mentally hollowed out. That’s what is coming in the fallout for millions of taxpaying, honest, hardworking fellow Americans in the coming months and years who have bought the past 4 decades of lies from the MSM and social media propagandists. Most will be liberals, Democrats, some independents and left wingers of one variety or another.
I predict many of our fellow Americans on the left who have been deceived by following liberals, democrats and “Rinos” are going to fall into two very different and destructive spheres that will impact all of us: Profound Depression or Profound Rage. We unfortunately may see a mental health fallout, and all that goes with it, in the United States and worldwide the likes we have never seen.” This will be even more horrific when they find out that some of their “Democratic Hero Leaders” they supported, campaigned for and donated their very hard earned money to their campaigns are directly responsible and culpable.
In a certain post by a certain letter… ah..”Q” I think it was said “these people will not be able to walk down the street.” That’s an understatement. Emmanuel Macron, the former Rothschild’s employee and darling who was “elected” over Maria Lepenz got a nice slap up the face in Spring 2021 by a man when he went to greet the crowd. Justin Trudeau, the pathetic installed liar known as the “Prime Minister” of Canada stopped off his bus tour only to have rocks hurled at him along with filthy invective I am sure was absolutely appropriate.
I DO NOT advocate violence. That being said when the propaganda and lies collapse under their own weight and the Real Truth comes out of the endless crimes against humanity, greed and corruption our great American “Leaders” are implicated in these people will have to hide for their very lives from a mob rules mentality. I DO NOT advocate violence. I am learned and these actions have occurred throughout history when the masses rise up to tyranny. If they are lucky the Military Tribunals to be held at “Fort Justice” in Guantanamo Bay will get them into protective custody, charged, indicted and convicted and then they will only face an execution instead of the mob rules mentality.
Since March 17th 2020 those working in the mental health field have been inundated with new cases of Panic Disorder, Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Psychosis, Alcohol and Drug abuse and every other form of Mental Illness including Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence as a result of the impact of MSM produced fear of COVID19 and wrongly Imposed Government Quarantine. Even before the Covid19 quarantine I have been treating patient who were so anxious, so divided, so living in moment to moment fear, pround depression and some manic and even psychotic individuals. Causation? Over exposure to MSM and social media. I hope one day this is a Civil or Class Action Lawsuit against the MSM because simply by watching their lying fear based “theatrical newscasts” caused many people to suffer horrific mental health decline.
Enter Covid19 and quarantine and the daily “ticker tape” of deaths rolling non stop 24 hours drove people over the limit. I had four suicide attempts and a fifth was completed. All because of the MSM and its grotesque lying counterparts.
Between March 17th 2020 and throughout the summer mental health professionals saw the first wave of high anxiety. Those prone to panic attacks went into full anxiety mode which led many to self medicate and abuse substance. The rest lined up to buy all the toilet paper. This was further inflamed by the riots brought on by the tragic and unfortunate death of George Floyd. Alas Floyd’s death could not have played more perfectly into the MSM and Deep State narrative if they had written it into a script. To be sure the MSM, democrats and liberals drool in anticipation of the next white cop who kills a person of color, a mass shooting (whether it really happens or is full on CGI splendor) or a real Republican (not Rino) gets caught doing the slightest fray.
As the effects of quarantine played on the misinformation of accurate COVID19 specific related death numbers drove the anxiety in late summer into depression in millions of people throughout the rest of 2020. As 2021 began the conditions of anxiety and depression increased significantly with continued deception by the media and U.S. Government of the election fraud and the inauguration of a banana republic shill. As the first six months of 2021 unfolded professionals including high functioning, high profile and mentally healthy people finally began coming for psychotherapy and medications to deal with a year of over work, stress, exhaustion and uncertainty of the future. Speaking for my own practice I could have gone from 50 hours per week to 100 hours and it would not have made a dent in the need for mental health services in the cities I work. Many of my colleagues from around the country and world saw the same thing in their practices and hospitals.
Clinics, inpatient mental health beds, sober living houses and all other services were filled to capacity throughout the United States and remain so to this day.
Initial reports from hospitals show an over 230% increase for mental health needs between March 2020 and December 2020. Tobacco, alcohol and cannabis sales skyrocketed during this time, as did suicides, overdoses and domestic violence. After reviewing literature for a Zoom presentation I did for teachers and mental health professionals in several States I found little or no interventions or improvements had been made to respond to mental health crises in the two previous flu pandemics Swine Flu in 2003 and in 2012. We had not learned from our previous pandemic crises and therefore were completely unprepared to deal with COVID19 on a psychological and mental health level.
Once the “first wave” of COVID19 was over the the MSM and United States and the rest of the world ramped up to the Delta, omicron and other “variants” and prepared lockdowns largely in blue states thanks the to public being primed to hysteria courtesy of MSM Psyops. Deliberate and planned. Propaganda can only work as long as its techniques can be effectively implemented, especially censorship of truth (defensive propaganda, mind control) and offensive propaganda (false flags, distractions, control of narrative, brainwashing). The MSM and social media lost control now that medical doctors like Peter McCullough MD, Sherri Tenpenny MD, Scott Jensen MD among others are coming forth with the “Real Truth” about the dangers of the COVID19 jab and undeniable statistics from side effects of taking it are now surfacing.
Attorney’s like Reiner Feullmich Esq in Berlin and Thomas Renz Esq here in the United States are starting massive class action lawsuits against big Pharma, the CDC, the UN and WHO for their culpability in this entire “Plandemic.” Millions of people around the world completely understand the crime committed on humanity. As a result massive protests are happening from Brussels to Sydney rejecting lockdowns and mandatory vax show that the PSYOPS is finally unravelling. Millions are becoming “woke” to real truth and are angry and demonstrating worldwide accordingly. But what about the millions of Americans on the left who bought the “Big Lie” ( Big Lie is a technique of Propaganda) hook line and sinker? Who believe the deep state “conspiracy” is just too fantastic to be real?
What if it is true that the Western Central Bank has corrupted a majority of governments and politicians around the world? COVID19 was a deliberate act of war to eliminate Trump by mail in ballot fraud and force medical and financial dominance and submission on them…or even worse? That “who and what” they were told to believe was bad and “who and what” they were told to be good was completely backwards? What if it is really true and Americans realize that the Department of Justice, the FBI and the CIA actually work against them and not for them? What if it is true and Americans find out that the CIA is actually guilty of creating the propaganda Psyops and directed the MSM step by step to carry it out slowly and steadily for the past 20 years? This has been said and “alluded” to in movies, TV and articles for a long time. That the constitution and Americans recognize that a long conceptualized plan of “Devolution” warfare by Trump is really the truth?
These millions of hard working, tax paying decent Americans will be devastated and mentally destroyed from the realization of their betrayal. Mark Twain said it is much easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled. A small percentage of these people will remain in denial, either tone deaf or incapable due to insight or intelligence to accept reality, for the time being or perhaps ever. The rest will be forced to come to grips with significant emotional damage that will take years to overcome. Some of our fellow Americans will be damaged and scarred for life and never come to terms that they have been betrayed and mentally damaged.
In May of 1945 following the unconditional surrender of William Keital, Alfred Jodl and Karl Doenitz of the NAZI military command, General Dwight D. Eisenhower went throughout Germany and Poland to inspect the concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dachau and Belsen-Bergen. Eisenhower and his staff were the first Americans, let alone first people of the world to witness the atrocity of genocide committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people. Eisenhower quickly assemble the local German “folk’ “villagers” in the towns and cities around the camps, hundreds of them, then thousands to go into the camps and load the bodies up and bury them. They were also tasked to tend to the ill and emaciated souls that survived. Eisenhower wanted to expose what the German peoples support of the Nazis and their “Fuhrer” had led to. Eisenhower showed the “Real Truth” of the camps which German citizens “had heard about” but thought was “conspiracy” but also for them to take responsibility for following their submission to propaganda, lies and fear. Many of these Germans committed suicide in the months afterwards, others suffered symptoms consistent with severe depression and trauma, other had complete mental breakdowns. Mentally none were ever the same.
As a psychologist it its my sad prediction that many Americans, once they grasp they have been victimized and betrayed by propaganda from their Government and the State Run Media, been manipulated and mislead by a planned Psyops will suffer the same mental fate as the German people following WW II. Many of these Americans will also be traumatized by the fact they supported and even donated to the campaigns of the very politicians who directly participated in betraying them.
Even more these Americans who have bought the “Big Lie” will come to realize what COVID19 was really all about and they have been manipulated into taking a jab which may in fact have impaired or even ruined their health in time to come. Some may have family members that either died of a deliberately released bioweapon from China that American taxpayers paid for through “Gain of Function” research courtesy of Anthony Fauci MD or died from the shot aimed to protect them from it. Currently the COVID19 shot has had more negative side effects, deaths and health related problems according the the VAERS board than any other flu shot or vaccination in history and sadly I believe we are just seeing a prelude of the devastation and loss of like and health that is to come.
As a result of these revelations many Americans will fall into a dichotomy of Profound Severe Depression or Profound Severe Rage/Anger. Our minds, our psyches are made up of organizations of beliefs or “schemas” based on experience over time. What we see, learn and are taught. When a huge percentage of what makes up a human beings belief system is “erased” part of that persons identity and core self goes with it. Try to grasp the enormity of that statement.
Those Americans who suffer from severe depression as a result of this victimization by the MSM/Governmment Psyops may take their own lives. We are likely to see a huge increase of suicide attempts and actual completed suicides. Many will fall into a condition of treatment resistant depression because of the nature of the depression inflicted upon them. Discovering you have been victimized by deliberate Psyops is nothing short of heinous torture, hence Mark Twain’s famous statement “It Is Easier To Fool Someone Than Convince Them They Have Been Fooled.” Many people will have to deal with the aftermath of having family members or friends who either commit suicide or are left permanently depressed.
On the other end of the spectrum is dangerous and threatening to everyone. The normal reaction to being “tricked” or “fooled” is to be upset and angered. Americans lives, wealth and health will have been destroyed by the Psyops of the MSM and the response in many will be nothing less than vengeance and retribution. In some people, not all, I am talking insane unhinged psychotic rage. We are likely to see not only suicides but also homicides/suicides. For patriots to finally react to the hypocrisy, followed by the real injustice the deep state has heaped on them is exactly the goals of tyrannical fascist leadership. The would love a rebellion of the people so they can choose the “evil one” to blame this civil unrest on.
Anyone who has read a history book knows this. In America it would be violent, long and bloody war and cost many lives, the population control “globalist” would kill two of their birds with one stone. We will likely see a huge uptick in assaults and destruction of property as people sublimate their rage in inappropriate and misdirected ways. We may see biblical “domino effect” anger begets anger, and rage begets rage. This possible and likely aftermath is important to consider so we may take some efforts to educate and protect from the loss and destruction that will follow the reckoning upon many in our society. In the 2 years ahead I predict we will see in some cases the very best of humanity, and also the very worst of it.
I encouraged everyone to do your own research, check your resources for its legitimacy and accuracy and learn. It each of us as individuals responsibility to learn from accurate information, cross referenced and peer reviewed. There is huge amounts of information on propaganda out there waiting for people to access. Tell others to do the same. Educate and share with others what you learn. We take back all our power, all our control, all our Mental Health and all our valuable Attention along with our God given critical thinking and objectivity when we do not mindlessly give it away to the lying and deliberate PSYOPS known as the MSM, Social Media and other media propaganda outlets.